Welcoming families to join us for crafts, activities, and a Bible story at St Hilda's
After a long break due to COVID, it was great to be back with other families last month for the recommencing of our monthly Saturday afternoon session for families, Messy Church. Each session is based on a theme from the Bible, and there are crafts, activities and a story.
The theme for this month's session is 'Messy Money, The Story of Zacchaeus'. We hope you'll be able to join us!
We are still taking sensible precautions in order to protect those who may be vulnerable to COVID, so we ask that those who are not exempt wear a face mask please, and let us know if you are able to attend, so we can have a table set out for you and your family. Please call or email Fr Michael at : michael.gobbett@btinternet.com or 01947 602590